Ordbogen ordbog-slovnyk.edition-4 er lavet for at hjælpe ukrainere og danskere i deres kommunikation med hinanden, og den indeholder mere end 3000 hyppige ord samt deres udtale....
Contents of https://laegemiddelstyrelsen.dk were crawled, aligned on document and sentence level and converted into a parallel corpus. Contains 22699 translation units between...
Bilingual (EN-DA) corpus acquired from the website (https://www.europarl.europa.eu/) of the European Parliament (9th May 2020). Contains 633 translation units (DA-EN).
EN-DA Bilingual corpus made out of PDF documents from the European Medicines Agency, (EMEA), https://www.ema.europa.eu, (February 2020). Attribution details: This dataset has...
Dette tosproget korpora er bygget af en række forskellige korpusser fra udvalgte offentlige og private korpus og er blevet brugt til at træne NTEU (Neural Translation for the...
Contents of https://eng.mst.dk/ and https://mst.dk/ were crawled, aligned on document and sentence level and converted into a parallel corpus. This dataset has been created...